Research and Consultancy
Kadeghe's work mostly involves computer programming, machine vision, geoinformatics, sensors & controls, precision agriculture, and instrumentation engineering. He knows how to program Arduino microcontrollers, Intel 8085 chip, PIC microcontrollers, and ATMEL microcontrollers using Z basic, picPRO basic, etc. He also knows how to model a robot arm and automate its' regular repetitive work. He also uses the Robot Operating System to automate robotic activities of autonomous vehicles and integrate machine vision technology. Apart from that, Kadeghe can program using a vast number of programming languages, including python, C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, C#, and PHP language. He has worked with various platforms using M-V-C and frameworks such as dot NET, code igniter, Laravel, etc. He also programs Map-based (GIS) systems using MapServer, Geo Server, OpenLayers, etc. He does general GIS programming using python, javascript, PHP, and java. He also designs and tests industrial automation systems using PLCs and SCADA. He models software/instruments for simulation and testing using advanced instrumentation software like MatLab and LabView. Also, he is integrating Machine vision algorithms into resource-constraints embedded systems. Kade can also program GPU systems like NVIDIA CUDA to optimize image processing algorithms to achieve real-time decisions for autonomous Robots. He enjoys the success of his work after seeing people using technology and appreciating its service. He designs for the people.
Programming/Scripting/DB Languages: (Proficient) Python, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, R, VB, C#, MySQL, MSSQL (Familiar) Z basic, PIC PRO basic, Java, MatLab, PLC, and LabView
Frameworks and Tools: TensorFlow, CodeIgniter, Laravel, CMake, Django, MapServer, GeoServer, GeoODK, OpenLayers, QGIS, Arc GIS, PLC, OpenCV, CUDA, Git, Agile Software Development (XP and Scrum)
Previous work:
Web Service API for Central Payment System 2018 to 2019
College of Business Education (CBE), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
· Development of CBE API connection (via web services) to the Tanzania Government Central Payment System (eGovernment)
Web Service API for Student Enrollment Checking System Jan - May 2018
College of Business Education (CBE), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
· Development of CBE API connection (via web services) to TCU, NACTE, and NECTA
Web Service API for Banking Payment System Jun - Aug 2016
College of Business Education (CBE), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
· Development of CBE Mobile payment system that connects to 3 different banks (CRDB, NMB & NBC)
Tomato Business Access Information System Jan - Aug 2016
EPINAV (Innovative communication pathways in the dissemination of agricultural technologies and improving market information in Tanzania: A case of tomato value chains), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Integrating Tomato Business Access information system with the SMS response software and agro-advisory questioning algorithm
Mobile integrated Market Access System (m-IMAS) 2015 - 2016
Trans-Sec (Innovating Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Development of Mobile integrated Market Access System (m-IMAS) using KANNEL mobile SMS systems
Farmers Agro-advisory Information System (UshauriKilimo) 2015 - 2016
EPINAV (The role of mobile phones towards improving coverage of agricultural extension services ) known as UshauriKilimo, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Integrating Farmers Agro-advisory information system (m-FAIS) to SMS based systems using KANNEL systems
ECAW Database Visualization System 2014 - 2015
Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Water Resources in the Greater Horn of Africa (ECAW), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Development of ECAW database visualization system
TRANS-SEC WebGIS System 2014 - 2016
Trans-Sec (Innovating Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Development of TRANS-SEC WebGIS system using MapServer and OpenLayers (
SUA Mobile Payment Systems 2014 - 2016
Centre for ICT (CICT), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Integrating SUA Students Information System (SUASIS) to Mobile payment systems using web services APIs
STARS Aggregate Database System using GeoODK 2014 - 2016
AgriSense, a Spurring a Transformation for Agriculture through Remote Sensing (STARS), SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania
· Development of the STARS aggregate database system using geoODK and MS Excel technologies
Tobacco Purchase Tracking and Evaluation Information System 2011 - 2012
Tanzania Leaf Tobacco Company Ltd (TLTC), Morogoro, Tanzania
· Development of Tobacco Purchase Tracking and Evaluation Information system for TLTC